Saturday, December 22, 2007

Some quotes

It's not just about where your dreams will take you. It's where you take your dreams.

People do not decide to become extraordinary. They decide to accomplish extraordinary things.

As we become more urbanized, we've lost this connection with the natural world. The further away we get from the wild, the less we understand it. ~Wade Davis

Sometimes the most powerful ideas come from simply combining two existing ideas nobody else ever thought to unite. ~Daniel Pink

Almost nobody dances sober, unless they happen to be insane. ~ H. P. Lovecraft

ABBA's timeless music continues to inspire me. It's joyous. Standing still when you hear ABBA is impossible. When I started recording my 'Confessions On A Dance Floor' album, Stuart Price and I played their music constantly. 'Hung Up' is my homage to their contribution to music. ~Madonna

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